List of products by brand K D B Fine Art Studio

Meet K.D.B. an enigmatic English artist, a quiet, bookish man who perceives his world through the prism of poetry and literature but expresses it through pictorial art, celebrated among his peers for the profound emotional depth woven into his creations. Renowned within his artistic circles as 'an artist's artist' , he has only now  begun to venture into the open market,

His work, a testament to his creative prowess, reflects a unique understanding of the human condition challenging audiences with its evocative atmosphere and honesty.

As the need for the 'Authentic' and the 'Real' inevitably begin to spread in reaction to a world overflowing with imitation and pseudo-creativity, this reclusive artist's decision to make his emotionally charged works available beyond private realms becomes a statement and challenge against all things artificial.

Beyond the image, delve into the artist's personal and private investigations, which form the heart of his evocative drawings in charcoal or ink. Each stroke tells a story, a visual diary of his introspective journey and reflections on the human experience.

He often leaves visual clues through ocasional words or 'snipped' half lines from poems and writings that can appear on the front or on the back of his works, only to be seen by the recipient of the work.

His recent investigations into printmaking further enriches the narrative, allowing for the reproduction of these intimate explorations. This reclusive artist transforms his intricate investigations into tangible pieces that carry the weight of his contemplations. The result is a collection that not only captivates through its emotional resonance but also serves as a testament to the artist's commitment to authenticity and the unfiltered expression of the human spirit.

In the Artists Own Words: 

Avoid the ‘Slick!’ If it looks too easy, You are being cheated!

I look for the ‘Struggle!’ It is the struggle I need. I made the print machines. I made the prints from start to finish. That is PRINTMAKING.

They will always be edgy. When I started, I quickly realized that every print is different. There are small differences in each.

I embrace that imperfection. It is in our imperfections that we find the unique qualities that make us different from the rest.

I did the drawings. None of them are perfect. They all contain momentary loses of concentration and moments of pure connection to the media. That is DRAWING.

There will always be investigation, invention and stuggle. I avoid the 'Easy', the 'Slick' and the 'Formulaic'. If I wanted those things, I would use Ai.

I may draw the same model in the same pose many times. Each time the drawing will be different. Each time I will be looking for something else, something 'other'. Each time, I am different.

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